Rapicast Non Precious Bonding Investment & Investment Liquids

Rapicast Non Precious Bonding Investment is a fine grain phosphate bonded investment specifically developed to possess the additional expansion required when casting nonprecious bonding alloys. By adjusting the expansion liquid to water ratio ideal fits can also be obtained with precious and semi-precious alloys. It contains no graphite and its high temperature strength makes it suitable for ringless casting as well as for metal rings. In accordance with EN ISO 15912:2006, Rapicast Non Precious Bonding Investment is a type 1 product suitable for both Class 1 and Class 2 burn-out techniques.

For the production of moulds for dental castings for:-
  1. Non precious bonding alloys.
  2. Palladium based bonding alloys.
  3. High and medium gold content bonding alloys. 
  4. Inlays, onlays and ful cast crowns.

Schottlander High Expansion Liquid for use with Rapicast Non Precious Bonding Investment.
Rapicast Investment 200x60g
Expansion Liquid 1 litre
Expansion Liquid 2 x 1 litre
Investment (200) & Liquid (2)
High Expansion Liquid 1 litre
CONTENTS: Investment: 200 x 60g sachets Investment plus liquid: 200 x 60g sachets & 2 x 1litre liquid Liquid single: 1 litre Liquid pack: 2 x 1 litre