Enigmalife Chairside

The enigmalife chairside is designed for use where the clinician and patient can view and select the ideal enigmalife upper anterior tooth mould.

The upper anterior tooth mould is of primary concern in a clinical setting and the enigmalife chairside assortment displays all options in a compact and easy to handle format.

The attractive aluminium framed and branded case is of high quality reflecting the premium range of teeth on display to the patient.

The enigmalife chairside assortment contains all upper anterior tooth moulds, two lower anterior tooth moulds and examples of S and P posterior teeth both upper and lower along with the enigmalife shade guide.
CONTENTS: 1 set each of 18 enigmalife character upper anteriors (seven S moulds, six D moulds and five K moulds), 1 set each of 10 enigmalife inspiration upper anteriors (four IR mould, three IS moulds and three IT moulds), 2 sets of lower anteriors (L5 and L8), four sets of enigmalife posteriors (two P moulds and two S moulds) plus an enigmalife shade guide. SHADE A2.